Monday, February 20, 2012

Conducting Technical Research

Technical Research

            This is my first post in my blog about technical writing. This first discussion will be about the significance of technical research and how one can achieve success in his or her writing by following the recommendations addressed in this post. The topics discussed will include conducting research at work, the use of secondary and primary data, the proper way to document sources, avoiding plagiarism, and how to evaluate electronic sources for credibility.

How to Conduct Technical Research at the Workplace

            When one conducts research at his or her workplace usually it’s to find information related to a work related topic. For example if one has to write a procedure document for how to operate a piece of machinery he or she may find it useful to evaluate other technical documents within the facility such as manufacturer instructions for the machinery. The goal of the technical document is to add value to the workplace so effective research is a must. According to Bukota (1995) “An informative technical article is a benefit to your company; but a poorly researched or inaccurate one can harm its reputation among knowledgeable readers.”

Secondary and Primary Data Sources

            There are two types of data sources that one will work with when conducting technical research. The first and most widely used research source is secondary data. Secondary data is what is found when researching databases and other resources that are from a secondhand source. Implementing data from a secondary source is an easy way for a writer to quickly build effective content for his or her technical document.
            Primary data sources are that of a firsthand nature, which originates from an experience that the writer has had or an event he or se has witnessed. Primary data sources may not be as influential or as easily validated to the audience as secondary sources.

Documenting Sources & Plagiarism

            Whenever a writer decides to implement ideas from a secondary source he or she must document the source appropriately. The writer should implement a citation system to cite the material appropriately. One of the most popular citation systems available to writers is a format created by the American Psychological Association (APA). Carefully implementing this format into his or her writings the writer can avoid infringing or plagiarizing another person’s work. According to Smith-Worthington & Jefferson (2011) “Carefully and accurately recording the information you find so that you do not accidently plagiarize or violate the owner’s copyright.” Avoiding plagiarism should be one of the most important things to address when writing a technical document.

How to Evaluate Electronic Sources for Credibility

            Evaluating electronic sources for credibility can be a difficult task but is easily managed. The easiest way to ensure credibility from electronic sources is through academic databases. When using academic databases one should search peer-reviewed articles for the most credibility. For writers that do not have access to an academic database searching for articles from websites where the url ends in .edu or .gov are generally considered credible. One may also consider trying a search from the Google Scholar database.


Bukota, George N. (1995). How to write technical articles. Chemical Engineering, 102(4), 125. Retrieved February 20, 2012, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 5339254).

Smith-Worthington, S., & Jefferson, S. (2011). Technical writing for success (3rd ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.